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It happaned fast, and efficiently. Psykers gathered, tested, and consulted. Viktor was taught, the hazards explained. Warned of the otherworldy dangers he could not have possibly imagined. The promise of a fast demise if things started to go very wrong. This was not a threat, but a precaution. Bomb collar attached, and a dagger always close by. The awakening of his biomancy powers was bloody.  
It happaned fast, and efficiently. Psykers gathered, tested, and consulted. Viktor was taught, the hazards explained. Warned of the otherworldy dangers he could not have possibly imagined. The promise of a fast demise if things started to go very wrong. This was not a threat, but a precaution. Bomb collar attached, and a dagger always close by. The awakening of his biomancy powers was bloody.  
=== Fortress Encarmine ===
'''''+++ Information REDACTED, Classification Level: Gamma-Crimson +++'''''
'''''+++ Verification Received, Partial Redaction Removed +++ '''''
The Fortress world Encarmine was the location of the Arkangels great enemy, Heartsbane. After a successful drop into enemy territory via railgun deployed lander, Viktor was part of the sapper team that effectively destroyed heretic Anti Air and Anti Capital Ship emplacements. What followed the deployment of the drop bar was a dark encounter with the Heretic forces, where Heartsbane [DATA REDACTED] fled after fight with the heroes of the imperium. What followed was a glorious campaign of enacting the Emperors will, executing traitors, rescuing scattered Imperial forces, and destroying any heretic attempts of diplomacy and conversion. Viktor was also part of the team that infiltrated and destroyed a enemy capital ship by destroying its fuel reactor.
[[Image:Viktor ----.jpg|thumb| Viktor at the location of [DATA EXPUNGED - CLASSIFICATION LEVEL: ERROR.]]
After destroying the mortal lieutenants of Heartsbane, the Imperial forces killed Heartsbane as he attempted to escape, recovering a number of holy relics and freeing the planet from heretic control. During the deployment, Viktors training was tempered in the field of battle, attaining the highest level of control possible without being sanctioned.
== Lineage ==
== Lineage ==
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- The warp, the shifting flesh and dripping toxins. The powers are waking... growing?  
- The warp, the shifting flesh and dripping toxins. The powers are waking... growing?  
- Might have TWO fuzzy hats. Quite literally unthinkable. Impossible, surely.  
- Might have TWO fuzzy hats. Quite literally unthinkable. Impossible, surely.
- Its tastes... the taste.. its.... its....
- Married? What even happened that Saturday...

Latest revision as of 19:21, 8 July 2024

Race Human
Dynasty Rexus
Player Jakub
Sgt. Major Viktor Jovanovski

Name: Viktor Jovanovski

Dynasty: Rexuz Dynasty

Notable Traits: A true son of Vostrya, Former Void Siege Infantry, Heavy Weapons Expert, Warp-Mutated, Biomancer

Titles: Gunnery Sergeant (former), Sgt Major at Arms

Service Record

Pre Arkangel

Sgt. Viktor Jovanovski was a first born of Vostrya, an industrial planet in the Halo Zone of the Segmentum Obscurus. Being a first born meant that duty within the planets guard regiment was always to be Viktor's duty. Soon after reaching enlistment age, Viktor begun training in frozen landscapes and soot-covered cities of his home planet. As with the rest of his family, the affinity for explosives and heavy weapons soon led him to be assigned the generational resupply of the 1054th Regiment, "The Void Shrikes".

Soon it was time to depart, knowing it would most likely be the last he sees of Vostrya. He was one of the lucky ones, for his resupply ship made it to the designated regiment. Due to the nature of being void-based, and the lack of effective communication, it was often the case that supplies never reached the 1054th. With his heirloom rifle, and second-hand patched up armour, Viktor found himself on the front lines.

Void siege after void siege, ship raid after ship raid, Viktor's rotary cannon threw rounds down hallways, suppressing walls and devastating cover. His faith and resolve grew, and he eventually reached the rank of Gunnery Sergeant. In charge of a squad of weapon specialist, Viktor led the brave soldiers of Vostrya on various missions, including setting and arming of explosives, reinforcing flanks with heavy weaponry, and hunter-killer missions against high priority targets and vehicles.

Eventually, fate would have Viktor onboard the "Nocny Obrońca", a Orion Class Star Clipper. The void ship, transporting strike teams and heavy weapons of guardsmen, was to fly through a blockade, and provide the resources for a precision strike to cripple a major traitor base. Viktor was in charge of 4th Heavy Support Squad, 3rd Company, and inspecting the melta-charges being equipped by the squad when the first boarding craft hit. Soon, the fighting was spread across the void-craft. 4th Squad were holding a crucial junction leading to the life support system, when disaster struck. The warp drive of a friendly vessel went critical, after the failure of the defenders in stopping the boarding forces. Explosive shockwaves, followed by malignant warp energies tore their way through the ship. With barely enough time to put on their masks and seal their modified void armour, poisonous gases leaked from the failing life support as multiple breaches tore at the bulkheads around them.

The cold void and hostile warp tore at Viktor, and only as his vision faded did he feel metal mechanical arms drag him to the safety of a shuttle. Helped by Magos Biologus Lares, the two found themselves alone in the void, with no regiment or exploratory fleet behind them. Eventually, the decision was made to seek Arkangel Station. The Adeptus Administratum was already hard pressed to record all of the 1054th personal, so Viktor was most likely classed as MIA/presumed dead. The new found, poisonous, mutations would not help with reintegration anyway. And so, the two void wreck survivors found themselves over the orbit of Edyria, not knowing the impact they would soon have on the fate of the planet.

Post Edyria

Viktor and Lares

As the...

+++ Information REDACTED, Classification Level: Delta-Crimson +++ 

... soon also found himself at the attention of Lord-Captain Rexus. Drawn by the determination, faith, and military force of the house, Viktor accepted the invitation, and stepped once again into the bulwarks of a void craft, the Valhalla's Regards.

Hunt for Gygax

It was during the hunt for Gygax that the unthinkable happaned. During a stealth operation behind the enemy lines, Viktor was part of a team delivering a lander into a hostile base, that was acquired during a hostage rescue. After successfully sneaking out of the base, the team entered into a building that held the left over carnage of a battle. What appeard to be a higher ranking drukhari warrior, surrounded by dead mercaneries. Xenos drugs, weapons and stims were everywhere, and as the team started looking for evidence, something else caught Viktors attention. A wierd... sensation, coming from a hidden compartment on the dead Xenos armour. Feelings of salt water and air, that no one else sensed. It came from a mirror, with a wierd symbol. As soon as he touched, memories of [*DATA CLASSIFIED*].

It did not take long for the psykickly aware members of arkangel to notice. It wasn't long before they sensed the dangerously new energies coming from Viktor.

The psykic powers awaken as Viktor is struck down. The flesh knits it self back together, and violent bloody energy erupts from within.

It happaned fast, and efficiently. Psykers gathered, tested, and consulted. Viktor was taught, the hazards explained. Warned of the otherworldy dangers he could not have possibly imagined. The promise of a fast demise if things started to go very wrong. This was not a threat, but a precaution. Bomb collar attached, and a dagger always close by. The awakening of his biomancy powers was bloody.

Fortress Encarmine

+++ Information REDACTED, Classification Level: Gamma-Crimson +++

+++ Verification Received, Partial Redaction Removed +++

The Fortress world Encarmine was the location of the Arkangels great enemy, Heartsbane. After a successful drop into enemy territory via railgun deployed lander, Viktor was part of the sapper team that effectively destroyed heretic Anti Air and Anti Capital Ship emplacements. What followed the deployment of the drop bar was a dark encounter with the Heretic forces, where Heartsbane [DATA REDACTED] fled after fight with the heroes of the imperium. What followed was a glorious campaign of enacting the Emperors will, executing traitors, rescuing scattered Imperial forces, and destroying any heretic attempts of diplomacy and conversion. Viktor was also part of the team that infiltrated and destroyed a enemy capital ship by destroying its fuel reactor.


After destroying the mortal lieutenants of Heartsbane, the Imperial forces killed Heartsbane as he attempted to escape, recovering a number of holy relics and freeing the planet from heretic control. During the deployment, Viktors training was tempered in the field of battle, attaining the highest level of control possible without being sanctioned.


Known Associates

Maogs Biologus Lares


- The warp-mutations sustained by the Vostryan aren't quite stable, and may even be increasing.

- The warp, the shifting flesh and dripping toxins. The powers are waking... growing?

- Might have TWO fuzzy hats. Quite literally unthinkable. Impossible, surely.

- Its tastes... the taste.. its.... its....

- Married? What even happened that Saturday...


  • "Seems like a solid, dependable Guardsman. Happy to have him join the crew. Wait, what was that about mutations?" - Tomas J Rexuz
  • "Emperor's breath, another mutant with a big gun? Well atleast we've got more canon fodder. Saying that, it follows orders and seems reliable. Either way, I'll be keeping an eye out." - Slate "Scrapjack" Duster
  • "This new Vostroyan trooper appears to be competent, at least so far and has a proper appreciation of explosives.The fact they are a mutant is something of a curiosity, I did not think the Vostroyans tolerated such among their ranks." - The Surgeon General
  • "He makes a hell of a first impression. I try hard not to like the death-or-glory kids, but it seldom works out." - Mac
  • "Poor bugger. Lucky for him that he has psychically awakened whilst with the Arkangel lot and not whilst in the Guard."" - Cartwright
  • "That was a whole mountain's worth of trial by fire landing upon him in a very short space of time. Still standing afterward, too. Good man." - Archbishop Stenberg
  • "Being a Psyker sucks, sorry, buddy." - Stacy
  • "EEEEE Please can I stroke the hat the hat looks so soft!" - Artemisia Minerva Tabbris Blair, after sprinting the length of a room to bounce in front of Viktor enthusiastically.
  • "Emperors hairy arse, now hes a psyker too? Well at least he didnt explode into demons, or bees. Or bee demons." - Slate "Scrapjack" Duster
  • "Dammed brave fellow. That was a mission no Guardsman is trained to face." - Cartwright
  • "Is making space for himself - and I'm not talking about with that evicerator, either. - Archbishop Stenberg

OOC Information

Player: Jakub Legowik

Inspirations: Polish Szlachta, Stereotypical heavy weapons expert,

Soundtrack: Work in Progress