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The emblem of house Dunrega, featuring the Phoenix and Laurel Wreath

Dynasty Name: House Dunrega

Warrant Holder: Lord-Captain Slate "Scrapjack" Duster

Primary Ship Name: The Fist of Ichadon (Formerly the Shamans Promise) a pleasure liner which has since been highly converted to include training facilities and a hanger housing a wing of bombers.

Notable Traits: Drifters, mercenaries with a miss-mash of dress styles and cultural behaviours.


Information Known by Arkangel Society

Formerly the Summers Dynasty, Lord-Captain Slate was given his warrant of trade abruptly from House Ingamar, it having been transfered from the previous holder.

Since taking command, Slate has assisted in re-locating the majority of the Arborians to a new world, has re-named the void-ship and re-branded it with the symbol of his new Dynasty.

The crew aboard The Fist of Ichadon are encouraged to maintain their own cultural rites and traditions while integrating those of the other groups of drifters.


Lord Captain: Slate "Scrapjack" Duster

The Drifters

The drifters are made up from people of many worlds and backgrounds, but the primary groups who hold the largest population on-board are:

The Dunregans - Survivors of an Exterminatus of the Hive World Dunrega VI. Fond of utilitarian, functional clothing, Dunregan's favour the heavy use of leather and drab blues, greens and greys. But other brighter colours are not out of the un-ordinary. Pragmatic and cunning, Dunregans prefer to hit first and hit hard.

The Arborians - Survivors of Arboria. Arborians tend toward army green/jungle camo, and adults proudly wear the iconic red bandana. Never seen without a boot knife. Many sport aboriginal style artwork on their armour and sheaths. Spiritual and with an almost nonchalant approach to death, the Arborians are hardy survivors.

Port Minervans - From Port Minerva. Almost urban in comparison. Eclectic mishmash of military surplus, street clothes and mismatched equipment. A lot of fenced goods pass through Port Minerva, though much of it is of low quality or heavily used. Fences, thieves and knee breakers, Port Minervans usually have a mean streak and an eye for the valuable.

Idyllorians - From the Feral world Idylloria. Idyllorians wear mostly Machine cult trappings, tinged with furs and leathers and other durable clothing. Venerating the Omnissiah, most Idyllorians are part of the Machine Cult and thus are handy with technology despite their feral world upbringing.

Caledonians - From Caledonia. Caledonians dress in more light-weight clothing, designed with mobility and stealth in mind, though no less utilitarian than the other drifters. Personal honour and winning are important to most Caledonians, they tend to enjoy fights up-close rather than with ranged weapons, making them ideal skirmishers.

Known Associates


The Borovich Family

Known Enmities


The Fist of Ichadon is named after the Hive City Lord-Captain Slate hails from

The emblem of House Dunrega is inspired by the Summers emblem

Lord-Captain Slate had a vision from the Emperor that he would one day become Lord-Captain of his own Dynasty


OOC Information

Player Contact: Tony Goddard