
From No Rest for the Wicked
Revision as of 21:27, 16 July 2024 by HazelK (talk | contribs)
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The basic downtime rules are available here. Downtimes are submitted by dynasties, we do not run individual player character downtimes. Downtimes are submitted in response to specific opportunities and challenges set out each downtime by the plot team, in the documents below.

Downtime Rules

The Current Downtime document is available here - submissions close 21st July 2024.

Current Downtime

Previous downtime documents are here:





Downtime Assets

As well as the bonuses provided to dynasties by their individual ships, and potentially individual one-off or ongoing modifiers, the creation of shared assets can also provide effects in downtime. A summary of effects is provided here. Please see each individual page for more detailed descriptions.

Grand Cathedral Central Bank Embassy - Arbour of Righteousness Embassy - Blessed Multitude Trade Federation Embassy - The Most Holy Order of the Everlasting Font

Known Space

This summary map shows the areas of known space around Arkangel station, including the level of exploratory knowledge that applies to each hex grid. For more information about each of these factions, see Known Space.

Sector Map - July 2024

Exploration Level Modifiers

Level 1 - Provides information on the main faction in the area.

Level 2 - Provides a +1 modifier to appropriate action in the area, and gives notification of any penalties or modifiers caused by the locals (e.g. Necron Tomb World: -10 to Convert, -6 to attack. Lost Imperial Colony: +2 to Convert).

Level 3 - Provides a +2 modifier to appropriate action in the area, and level 1 information on neighbouring systems.

Level 4 - This is only achievable through critical success. Provides +3 modifier to appropriate action in the system, and level 2 information on neighbouring systems.

Exploration information levels provided by having a high exploration score in a neighbouring space are already included in the scores on this map.