The Arbour of the Righteous
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Name: The Arbour of the Righteous
Other Names: The Arbour
Known Leadership: His Majesty, King Agravain du Morholt
Description: Feudal Society Warriors with a Knightly Tradition.
Background Information Known by Arkangel Society
Faction Presence and Influence
- Represented on Port Svartalf by Ser Lynette d’Starfort (deceased)
Other Documentation
- The Arbour have been heavily attacked by the Drukhari, since the Arkangel Fleet made their presence known at Port Svartalf (Post E14), as retribution for Arkangel's interference against the Drukhari machinations.
- The Arbour have repeatedly expressed an interest in forming an Alliance with the Arkangel Fleet, going so far as to subsidise building an embassy (Post E15)
- The Arbour have been targeted by Raiders (Post E13)
- The Arbour have previously defended themselves against Raiders (Post E13), the only faction to have done so without outside assistance.
- Some rumours that the nobility's relationships with the Aeldari, or Fae, are a little too close